a way to feel retro is by wearing bright red lipstick
red lipstick is perfect for a retro, its tricky to choose the light color of red and to properly apply and wear it. you may feel intimidated by wearing it.
well, when i was between 12 and 15, i was only trying wearing my mom's red lipstick because mom only one color which is red. no pink no nude.
Now, i more tend to wear light lips and enhance my eyes but i still cherish red because its such an eternal glamour symbol indeed.
if you want something glamour and definitely retro, a mute red or bright red is a perfect match for you. :)
drawing a sharp eyebrow,applying white and blue pastel eyeshadow colors and wearing bright red lipstick, so you done for it. :)
wahhh nice :)
wahh.. merahnyaaa makngahh... dari jauh dah shine2 gituu.. hahaaha
@ct jue :)
@yad'z tula merah makngah aw aw.memang tak lah nak keluar dgn lipstick merah cemni. auch. :P
cantek2! :D
bibir anda mengancam! hahaha nice pose! :D
@shiteq lipstick je lebih kn?he
@rasyidah waheeda auch! haha
:) nice pic
hye..very nice tutor..saya dah scroll smpai bawah..semuanya nice :)
dah follow..
@nurulaisyah thanks sbb baca. terharu . ^^
cantiklah kening tuan belog..buat lah tuto~ hehe
maybe.one day ye. skrg takde mase.busy. :(
cantik + vogue....
@sue_enchan try la.:)
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