bukan senang nak dapat peluang macam ni.bersyukur sebab uia ade provide photography class tuk budak-budak AAD (applied arts and design) mcm kami,dan yang paling awesome ye lecturer kami adalah DIN ARSHAD! untuk mengenali beliau dengan lebih lanjut go to this
nama yang tidak asing lagi dalam dunia photography. he's my inspiration. :)
bak kata beliau. "Gamba yang di 'EDIT' bukan gamba yang pro. professional photographer tak edit gamba.and dorang hanya ambil one or two shot je for once photography session.
kalau gamba yang di 'EDIT' bukan lah pro. tapi macam kerja 'ayam-ayam' . ternganga dan tergelak bile dengar. yelah.sebelum ni memang ambil kadang-kadang edit pun. but now alhamdulilah. we learn how to capture a normal picture, They are not called as THE BEST PICTURE. but NORMAL. best picture bukan ditangkap tapi because of the beautiful scenery of that surrounding itself.
ni sekitar gamba semasa kelas berlangsung. :)
and well. i do not edit any. :) original taught by DIN ARSHAD.
this picture captured by izzaty, time ni main-main je dulu. baru belajar what is aperture, shutter speed and also ISO. kami belajar how to use manual setting. kalau gune auto better go for normal camera not dslr. and we learn how to capture a normal pic as well.
environment in the class. everyone getting excited on how to use manual setting. a professional photographer don't use auto setting, but what make it pro is that how you control the expose and also the aperture.
ha ni lah dia DIN ARSHAD. some of his shots done with Prime Ministers, popular artists like Lisdawati, Shila Amzah, Asyraf Muslim and more. he also has been work with international world's photography for a long time.
special about him is that he teaches us til we get a better or clear view. ayat dia " DO YOU COPY ME?" means "KAMU FAHAM TAK NI?" he's funny and every words come out from him was perfect!
everyone has their own camera. we ought to buy it. bak kata Sir DIN ARSHAD "you should have it,because when you start learn it, you worth it. "
ha ni hasil ajaran DIN ARSHAD kat kami. kami diberi masa setengah jam tuk take one or two shot. hanya the best shot je yang dia nak. and alhamdulilah, we managed to get a better pic from the first.
this picture captured by izzatyK.
studiomate - saida.
Monochrome is the one of his fav picture.
this picture captured by me.
this picture captured by me too
this picture captured by dayaMohamed
are you satisfied with our work? :)
p/s : we are the beginner, that's why we still need a lot of experiences
dropping any comment is very welcome here.:)